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Booking Information

What are you looking for?
Farm or House Sitting

House/Farm Information

First Pet

Pet Species

Second Pet

Pet Species

Third Pet

Pet Species

Final Booking Information

Boarding Waiver and Consent Form


This agreement shall apply to all visits by your pet to Bark’N with Nathan.  

I have read and understand this waiver and consent form. I represent that I am the legal owner or authorized by the owner of the animal(s) described on the application. I represent that my animal(s) is/are:

  • In good health

  • Is current on all required vaccinations including Rabies. 

  • Is free of fleas, ticks and lice.

  • Has not been ill within the last 30 days.

I understand that while my animal(s) is/are fully vaccinated, that vaccines are not guaranteed and there is a small risk that my animal(s) may contact a contagious disease or illness during services. I agree that should this occur, I am responsible for my own animal’s care, medical attention and costs - including any emergency costs. I release Bark’N with Nathan, its staff, owners and any representatives from any and all liability which I or my animal(s) may suffer including but not limited to injury, sickness, loss, property damage, or death. I understand that incidents of injuries may occur during services, which includes but not limited to bites, scrapes, scratches and sprains. I represent that my pet(s) is social and has not harmed or shown threatening behaviors towards any person or animal. Owner will be held responsible for any injury or damage caused to the Sitter as a result of previously undisclosed aggression in any of the Pet Owner’s animals.

I allow Bark’N with Nathan’s staff to contact my veterinarian should any injuries or illness require medical attention. I agree that I am solely responsible for any medical expenses acquired for my animal(s). In the event that I or my authorized contact cannot pick up my dog(s) at the agreed pick-up time, I authorize Bark’N with Nathan to provide additional services at my expense.  I understand that care must be paid in full prior to the stay and that I have 7 days before my drop-off date to cancel and get a full refund on my deposit. 

Contact Us

Unionville, VA

T / 978-59BARKN 


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